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#1052 Add object to existing frame

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Tags
State: closed 

I try to add a new object (PlaceObject2) to a frame of a DefineSprite. Unfortunately,
there is no such thing in the context menu of the frame node. The function is implemented
on the DefineSprite node ("add tag"), but using this function adds the object in a new
Is it possible to add an object to a specific frame?
This is in v.6.0.1 nightly build 869
Windows 10 Pro
I think this can be changed to "bug". The functionality is random:
* When using it the first time it creates a new frame
* When using it again, the Object2 is inserted in the last frame (even after a reload)
* The frameCount of the DefineSprite is never incremented (see screen shots)
It is not random, a frame is defined by a ShowFrame tag. Everything which is after the
last ShowFrame tag will belong to a new frame.
When you first insert a PlaceObject tag to an empty sprite, it will create a new frame,
because earlier there was no frame, but you added a PlaceObject tag, which will crete a
new frame.
Next time when you add a new Place Object tag, it will add after the first tag, which will
belong to the same frame until you add a ShowFrame tag.
I'll fix the framecaount problem, and make it possible to add placeobject tags to the main
timeline or into a specific frame.
Assigned: →

This one should be fixed in the latest nightly:
"* The frameCount of the DefineSprite is never incremented (see screen shots)"
Implemented in the latest nightly build.
State: new→upgraded
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create new issue if problem still exists.
State: upgraded→closed