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#1033 AS3 deobfuscation removes useful codes
Author: developer honfika
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Open 333.swf from issue tracker. Decompile module\personalInfo\viewNew\ > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Current: private function var18370() : void { var _loc1_:NoBgTab = null; this.var19955 = new Vector.<NoBgTab>(); this.var19955.push(new NoBgTab("",0)); var _loc2_:int = 156 - 12; while(0 < this.var19955.length) { _loc1_ = this.var19955[0]; _loc1_.x = _loc2_; _loc1_.y = 116 - _loc1_.height; _loc1_.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,this.var19918); _loc2_ = _loc2_ + (_loc1_.width + 70 - 24); _loc3_++; } } Expected: something like this: private function var18370() : void { var _loc1_:NoBgTab = null; this.var19955 = new Vector.<NoBgTab>(); this.var19955.push(new NoBgTab("",0)); var _loc2_:int = 156 - 12; var _loc3_:* = 0; while(_loc3_ < this.var19955.length) { _loc1_ = this.var19955[_loc3_]; _loc1_.x = _loc2_; _loc1_.y = 116 - _loc1_.height; _loc1_.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,this.var19918); _loc2_ = _loc2_ + (_loc1_.width + 70 - 24); _loc3_++; } } > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? Latest nightly > Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
I did some performance optimizations recently, but the result is exactly the same as in the stable version (6.0.1).. So for some reasion the deobfuscator thinks that _loc3_ is constant.
State: new→closed
I fixed it too :-)