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#1008 "Short" type is decompiled incorrectly.

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed 

Hi! It seems that integer values are sometimes decompiled incorrectly. For example when
decompiling the following code:
I got this on the right side:
getlex Qname(PackageNamespace(""myClass1"),"Client")
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"popupManager")
getlex Qname(PrivateNamespace("myClass2"),"_standardMessageBox")
pushshort 1073740825
callpropvoid Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"showMessageBox") 2
So after I edit (even with no change) the right side and save it back - I am getting an
error telling that the value is too big for "short".
Looks like the problem is in 1073740825 vs -999
I am using version 6.0.1.
Hi, is this bug still present in nightly 958?
If yes, then please provide us sample SWF file with this problem.
Ha, I reproduced it now. It needs to be fixed...
nightly 995, it should be fixed in it
State: new→upgraded
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create new issue if problem persists.
State: upgraded→closed